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Hito BRAGA DE MORAES, Brasil SEl profesor Braga de Moraes cuenta con una licenciatura en Ingeniería Civil de la Universidad Federal de Pará (1986), Especialización en Ingeniería Naval por la UFRJ/UFPA (1988), Máster Universitario en Ingeniería Océanica de COPPE/UFRJ (1991). Doctorado en Ingeniería Océanica COPPE/UFRJ (1991) y un doctorado de la Universidad de Southampton en Inglaterra (2012). Fundador de la Licencia en Ingeniería Naval de UFPA (2004).
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NinShu MA, China Prof. Ninshu Ma who was born in 1961 is the senior engineering in JSOL and a professor working in research center of welding science in the Osaka University. He has been studied and worked in Japan for more than 20 years. He had rich experience in analog computation related to the evaluation of car impact strength, metal plastic working, the mold strength analysis, welding mechanics and other relevant fields. In the recent 10 years, more than 200 papers have been published by him in famous International journals and International major conferences. He applied 9 patents, participated in writing a book and developed two software which were named as JSTAMP and JWELD. |
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Hidekazu MURAKAWA, Japon Prof. Murakawa graduated from Department of Naval Architecture, School of Engineering, Osaka University, in 1973. He received Master degree also from Osaka University. He conducted research work in School of Engineering Science and Mechanics, Georgia Institute of Technology, and received Ph.D. in 1978. After working in Georgia Tech. as a Post-Doctoral Fellow, he joined Hitachi Research Lab. in 1980. In 1983, he moved to Joining and Welding Research institute, Osaka University, as a Research Assistant. From 2001 till 2016, he served as a Professor in Osaka University. After retirement, he is continuing his research works as a Professor Emeritus.
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Salvador NAYA, España Salvador Naya es profesor de Estadística en la Universidad de A Coruña (España). La
docencia la ha llevado a cabo mayoritariamente en Escuela Politécnica Superior de
Ferrol de esta universidad, siendo profesor de distintas asignaturas de estadística en
ingeniería naval e industrial. También colabora como docente en el Máster
Interuniversitario (USC, UDC y UVigo) en Técnicas Estadísticas siendo profesor del
curso “Control Estadístico de Calidad” y como profesor del Máster Internacional en
Materiales Complejos con la Universidad Paris Diderot. |
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Stephen GIRVIN, Singapur Professor Stephen Girvin is a tenured full Professor of Law at the National University of Singapore and MPA Professor of Maritime Law. He was appointed as the first Director of the Centre for Maritime Law in 2015. He taught previously at Aberdeen, Nottingham, and Birmingham Universities and has also been a Visiting Professor at Cape Town, Sydney, Queensland, FGV São Paolo, Zhejiang University, and the Centre for Commercial Law Studies, Queen Mary University of London. Stephen is author of Carriage of Goods by Sea 2nd ed (Oxford, 2011), and a co-author Marsden’s Collisions at Sea 14th ed (Sweet & Maxwell, 2016), and Carver on Charterparties (Sweet & Maxwell, 2017). He is a contributor to The Rotterdam Rules in the Asia-Pacific Region (Shojihomu, 2014), A New Convention for the Carriage of Goods by Sea: The Rotterdam Rules (Lawtext, 2009), and Liability Regimes in Contemporary Maritime Law (Informa, 2007). He is a contributor to the International Maritime and Commercial Law Yearbook, published as part of Lloyd’s Maritime & Commercial Law Quarterly (Informa), Singapore correspondent for Lloyd’s Maritime & Commercial Law Quarterly, and a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of International Maritime Law (Lawtext). Stephen speaks regularly at international conferences, in recent years in Beijing, Dalian, Hong Kong, Seoul, Shanghai, Sydney, and Tokyo, and in Aberdeen, Bergen, Copenhagen, Hamburg, London, Oslo, Rotterdam, and Stockholm. He is a member of the Singapore Maritime Law Association and the British Maritime Law Association and a Supporting Member of the London Maritime Arbitrators Association. |
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Newton PEREIRA, Brasil Newton Narciso Pereira is an Adjunct Professor at Federal Fluminense University-School of Industrial Engineering Metallurgical in Volta Redonda, Rio de Janeiro. He has been dedicated to research in the area logistics and transport, port operations, ballast water, ship recycling, humanitarian logistics and sustainability. He is Coordinator of Center for Sustainable System Studies – CESS |
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Adalberto TOKARSKI, Brasil Adalberto Tokarski nació en la ciudad de Barbosa Ferraz (PR), en 1960. Es ingeniero civil, graduado por la Universidad Católica de Goiás en el año 1986. Actualmente ejerce el cargo de director general de la Agencia Nacional de Transportes Acuáticos (ANTAQ). Fue nombrado Gerente de Desarrollo y Regulación de la Navegación Interior de ANTAQ en 2006 y desde agosto de 2011 ocupó el cargo de Superintendente de Navegación Interior de la Agencia. En ese período, fue también Presidente del Consejo de Autoridad Portuaria de los Puertos de Vila do Conde, Belém, Santarém, Outeiro y Miramar, entre 2007 y 2008. Y representa a ANTAQ en el acuerdo de la Hidrovía Uruguay-Brasil, desde 2009. Su currículum profesional registra que fue Presidente de la Agencia de Desarrollo del Corredor Centro Norte, en el período de octubre de 2005 a septiembre de 2006. Y representante del sector hidroviario en las Cámaras Técnicas del Consejo Nacional de Recursos Hídricos (CNRH), en los años 2004 y 2005. Además de los cargos citados, fue Director de Obras de la Administración Regional de Santa María (DF), en 1994; y Secretario de Obras del Ayuntamiento de Alto Taquari (MT), en los años 1987 y 1988. |