

Prof. Dr. Tony Morrison is Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Manchester and also Director of the Psychosis Research
Unit and Associate Director for Research and Innovation at Greater Manchester Mental Health Foundation Trust. He has published widely
on cognitive therapy for psychosis with over 150 articles on cognitive behaviour therapy for psychosis and experimental studies of cognitive
processes in psychosis, including an influential cognitive model of psychosis. He has also conducted several treatment trials of cognitive
behaviour therapy for people with psychosis and for prevention of psychosis in people at high risk. He has recently been a member of 2 NICE guideline development groups. He is also interested in facilitating co-production in research and supporting user-led research.


Prof. Dr Valerie Sinason is a poet, writer, child and adolescent psychotherapist, and adult psychoanalyst. She worked at the Tavistock Clinic in London for two decades as well as spending three years as a consultant psychotherapist at the Portman Clinic and Anna Freud Center focussing on disability and trauma. She co-led a psychotherapy
and disability practice at St Georges Hospital Medical School for 16’years with Baroness Sheila Professor Hollins. She founded the Clinic for Dissociative Studies in 1998 and retired as director in 2016.
She has written and edited 18 books and published over 160 papers and chapters on disability, trauma and dissociation. She was given a Lifetime Achievement Award by the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation in 2016 and is a Board Member as well as on the Board of the European Society for Trauma and Dissociation.
She had lectured widely in Australia, America, France, Italy, Belgium, Greece, Scandinavia and South Africa (where she is an Honorary Consultant
Psychoanalyst to the UCT Child Guidance Clinic) .



Prof. Dr. Elizabeth Howell is on the faculty of the NYU Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis; faculty and supervisor for the Trauma Program, Manhattan Institute for Psychoanalysis, past Co-Director and Faculty, International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (ISSTD) Professional Training Program on Dissociative Disorders, and on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Trauma and Dissociation. In addition to over thirty-five professional articleson the topics of trauma and dissociation, her books include: Trauma and Dissociation Informed Psychotherapy: Relational Healing and the Therapeutic Connection; The Dissociative Mind; Understanding and Treating Dissociative Identity Disorder: A Relational Approach; The Dissociative Mind in Psychoanalysis: Understanding and Working with Trauma, (Howell & Itzkowitz), Psychoanalysts, Psychologists& Psychiatrists Discuss Psychopathy and Human Evil (Itzkowitz & Howell), and Women and Mental Health, (Howell & Bayes). Dr. Howell is the recipient, from ISSTD, of the Cornelia Wilber Award for outstanding clinical contributions in the field of dissociative disorders, and the Lifetime Achievement Award. She is the recipient, with Dr. Sheldon Itzkowitz of the Author’s Recognition Award from the National Institute for the Psychotherapies (NIP), and a Gradiva Award nominee for The Dissociative Mind in Psychoanalysis. She has lectured nationally and internationally. She is in private practice in New York City, where she works with clients, does consultations, and runs consultation and study groups.



Prof. Dr. Vedat ?ar is a psychiatrist and psychotherapist with longterm experience in outpatient and inpatient treatment of a broad range
of disorders including psychotic, mood, and post-traumatic spectrum. He is currently Chair of Department of Psychiatry in Koc University School of Medicine (KUSOM) in Istanbul (Turkey) where he has been teaching since 2014. He has served as a professor of psychiatry in Istanbul University previously where he started his academic career as a young psychiatrist in 1989. Both as a clinician and researcher, he has specialized on lifelong psychiatric consequences of childhood psychological trauma and dissociative disorders. Prof. ?ar is former President of the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (ISSTD) and the European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ESTSS). He has served as an international advisor to the DSM-5 Workgroup of the American Psychiatric Association. Due to his cumulative contributions to psychotraumatology he has received numerous honors including the Lifetime Achievement Award by ISSTD.
His special interests: outpatient psychotherapy of Complex PTSD and dissociative disorders. He has published many papers and chapters in books covering these subjects including those on the intersection of psychosis and dissociation in context of developmental traumatization.
With W.Middleton and M.Dorahy, he edited the book: “Global Perspectives on Dissociative Disorders Individual and Societal Oppression”.



Prof. Dr. Markus Heinimaa, M.D., M.A., Ph.D. is a psychiatrist, family therapy trainer and EMDR facilitator from Turku, Finland.
Besides extensive private practice, he works as a clinical lecturer in the University of Turku Department of psychiatry and related University
Hospital Clinics, mainly teaching in the psychotherapy training program for psychiatry trainees. His main research interest has been psychosis, where he has undertaken both clinical and conceptual research. He is the author or co-author of more than 60 peer-reviewed journal articles. In clinical setting, his main interest has recently been extending application of EMDR-therapy to diverse treatment aims. Active in promoting the dissemination of this therapy form, he has been the president of EMDR Finland since 2014.



Prof. Anabel González is a psychiatrist and psychotherapist, with training in several orientations such as group therapy, cognitive-analytic therapy, systemic therapy and trauma-oriented therapy. PhD in Medicine and Specialist in Criminology. She forms a part of the board of directors of the European Society of Trauma and Dissociation (ESTD) and is the vice president of the Spain EMDR Association. She is working in the Hospital Universitario of La Coruña (CHUAC), coordinating the Trauma and Dissociation Program, oriented towards patients with severe trauma. For some years now, she has been providing training on dissociative disorders, trauma, attachment and emotional regulation. She is an accredited trainer of EMDR (Eye Movement Desensibilization and Reprocessing) therapy. She participates as an invited professor in the EMDR Psychotherapy Master’s Program of the National Distance Education University (UNED). On the level of research, she is directing several projects in the field of trauma and treatment with EMDR of several disorders. She has published many articles on dissociation, trauma and EMDR, and is the author/co-author of the books Trastornos Disociativos; EMDR y Disociacion, el abordaje progresivo; EMDR y TLP (these three books in the Publishing Company Ed. Pléyades), and Trastorno de Identidad Disociativo (Ed. Síntesis) (“Dissociative Disorders”). Her recent books: “No soy yo, entendiendo el trauma complejo, el apego y la disociación” (I am not myself: Understanding Complex Trauma, Attachment and Dissociation),”
The good thing about having a bad day “(“Lo bueno de tener un mal día,”) integrate these elements synthetically and are oriented towards patients as well as towards professionals.



Prof. Anna Sala Estrada is a clinical psychologist and individual, family, group and multifamily psychotherapist. She is working in the Early Intervention in Psychosis Team (EIP) of the Baix Empordà, Institut d’Assistència Sanitaria (IAS), within the public mental health network of the province of Girona. She began her career in the Adult
Mental Health Center (2008-2017) where she put a therapy Group for patients with psychotic disorder into operation in the Community. In the early intervention team, she implemented, developed and integrated a multifamily, interdisciplinary and community group setting. She has shown interest for integrate different psychotherapies and specially
multifamily psychotherapy to the first stages of the psychotic processes and the high-risk mental states (HRMS). She wrote “La psicoterapia multifamiliar en los primeros episodios psicóticos y estados mentales de alto riesgo” (Multifamily psychotherapy in the first psychotic episodes and high risk mental states), a research project that is being developed
based on the observation of the daily clinical work. As a professor, she has worked for the Health Department of the Generalitat de Catalunya in the training of the PAE-TPI (Early Intervention for Incipient Psychosis) program and for the Ministry of Health of the Community of Madrid. She was a member of the Teaching Committee of the IAS
from 2012 to 2019. For the last eight years, she has been coordinating and planning the training in Psychotherapies for residents of psychiatry,
psychology and nursing.



Prof. Antonio Tarí García is a physician-psychiatrist, psychotherapist and group therapist. He is the Coordinator of the Day Center Romareda of the HEALTH Sector III (Zaragoza) where he has been working in care to severe psychotic patients for twenty-five years. He has participated as a professor in different courses related with psychosocial rehabilitation and psychotherapy related with psychosis as in the Agencia Laín Entralgo of the Madrid Health Service, in the HEALTH Courses of Aragon, in SERIS (Rioja) and in the Area 3 School. Ex-president of the Area 3 Association – up to the year 2011 and is currently a member of the Area 3 journal editorial staff and teacher in the Training School.
Member of the Editorial Staff of the Area 3 Journal. Booklets on Group and Institutional Subjects, since its foundation in March 1994.
Since 2005, it has been edited in virtual format on the web page of the Association www.area3.org.es. He has various publications in journals and books on Group therapy and psychosocial rehabilitation. He was the president of the SASM-AEN Aragon from 2009-2012. Sponsor and active member of the Mental Health Defense Platform of Aragon.



Prof. Federico Suárez Gayo is a Psychologist. Until his retirement in 2019, he was responsible for the Family Intervention Area of the Municipal Center of Social Services of the City Hall of Majadahonda (Madrid). Trainer in Social and Group Psychology (Group Operational Conception). Professor, since 1998, in the Center Studi e Ricerche “José Bleger” of Rimini (Italy). Member of the Directive Team of the “Area 3” Training School. Association for the study of group, psychosocial and institutional subjects,” Madrid (Spain), and professor and coordinator of training groups, since its foundation, in June 2011. For the last 20 years, he has been supervising psychotherapists in family and Group therapies. Supervisor since 2011 of those responsible and the teams that work in public health care of chronic mental patients. He has various publications in journals and books on group and institutional subjects.
Founding member of the “Area 3 Association for the Study of Group, Psychosocial and Institutional Subjects,” of which he was the president between the years 1997-2002. Member of the Editorial Team of the Journal Area 3. Booklets on Group and Institutional Subjects, since its foundation in March 1994. Since 2005, this has been edited in virtual format on the web page of the Association www.area3.org.es. Founding member of the CIR -Centre International de Recherches en Psychologie Groupale et Sociale (International Center on Research in Group and Social Psychology)-, Milan 1981 – Rimini 1992. Executive secretary
between 1986 and 1990.



Prof. Dolores Mosquera is a psychologist and psychotherapist, specialized in personality, trauma and dissociation disorders. She is the director of the Institute for the Study of Trauma and Personality
disorders (INTRA-TP) - a private center with 3 clinics that were initially founded in 2000 as LOGPSIC. Dolores collaborates in the Program of Psychological Care to Women who suffer Gender Violence (PAPMVX), Open or Circle: Program of psychological attention to men with violent behaviors and the National Network of Psychologists for Attention to Terrorism Victims, as well as with the IPSE - Specialized Psychological Intervention. Program of Psychological Care in the face of Critical Situations. She forms a part of the editorial team of
the European Journal of Trauma and Dissociation and the Journal of EMDR Practice and Research. She has had wide teaching experience, giving seminars, workshops and lectures on an international level. Sh has participated as an invited speaker in numerous lectures and workshop in Europe, Asia, Australia, as well as North, Central and South America. She has published 16 books and many articles on disorders
of the personality, complex trauma, attachment and dissociation, and is a recognized expert in this field. Dolores has also collaborated with several European Universities as an invited professor. She received the David Servan-Schreiber award for her outstanding contribution in EMDR in the year 2017 and she was acknowledged by the ISSTD (International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation) for her contribution in the field of trauma and dissociation in the year 2018.



El Prof. Manuel González de Chávez, Ex-Presidente de la International Society for the Psychological and Social Approaches to Psychosis, es en la actualidad Presidente de la Fundación para la investigación y tratamiento de la esquizofrenia y otras psicosis, Organizador de los Cursos anuales de Esquizofrenia que cada año se celebran en Madrid y director de la Colección de libros de orientación dinámica y psicoterapéutica de la citada Fundación. Durante unos veinte años, hasta su jubilación, fue Jefe del Servicio de Psiquiatría I del Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón de Madrid y Profesor de Psiquiatría de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. También ha sido Director de los Servicios de Salud Mental de Sevilla, Presidente de la Asociación de Salud Mental de Madrid y Presidente de la Asociación Española de Neuropsiquiatría, de la que es Miembro Honorario. Dedicado al desarrollo de programas psicoterapéuticos para pacientes psicóticos y en especial a la psicoterapia de grupo en la esquizofrenia y su importancia en el tratamiento de estos pacientes, es autor y editor de varios libros y diferentes publicaciones en esta materia.





