
If you want to send any communication to be presented as a POSTER, you can use the:

Abstract Submission Form Under Construction

When you send a summary, you must accept the following guidelines:

- Each presenting author can present no more than 3 abstracts.

- The summaries can be written both in English and Spanish and sent to the Technical Secretariat before September 15, 2020.

- Communications received after this date or those that do not follow the present guidelines will not be accepted.

- The summaries of the communications presented will be reviewed by the Advisory Committee. The authors will be informed on the decision to accept or reject their communication before October 1, 2020.

- Those who present the communication should be registered in the Congress before October 15, 2020.

- The summaries should be structured in the following way: Title, Authors (first last name and initial first name), Objectives, Method, Results and Conclusions. No tables, figures or unusual symbols should be included.

- Posters with other methodologies could be accepted.

- The written summaries should not exceed 200 words.

- The posters should have a maximum size of 110 cm high and 90 cm wide.

- Poster Authors who have had their posters accepted should stand by their posters on November 27, 2020 from 3pm to 4pm to answer any questions other attendants would like to make related to their content.

- Posters chosen by the Advisory Committee will be published in the Bibliographic Dossier next year.

NOTE: Submission of an abstract acknowledges the author's acceptance for its publication on the website. (only accepted posters)

