08:30 - 11:30 am |
Chemical Biology
Room 6 (room 5 - overflow)
08:30 Intro from Chair: Francisco Blanco, CIC bioGUNE. Elexalde Derio, Spain.
08:35 Edward Tate, Imperial College. London, United Kingdom.
Probing Dynamic Protein Lipidation: From Chemical Proteomics to Drug Discovery.
Young Investigator Speaker
09:05 Serena Zanzoni, University of Verona. Verona, Italy.
Ubiquitin-Nanoparticle Interactions by Solution NMR Spectroscopy.
09:20 Robert Copeland, Epizyme, Inc. Cambridge, MA, United States.
Protein Methyltransferase Inhibitors as Personalized Cancer Therapeutics.
09:50 25-min Coffee Break
10:15 Linda Hsieh-Wilson, California Institute of Technology/HHMI. Pasadena, CA, United States.
Dynamic Regulation of Metabolic Enzymes and Pathways by O-Glycosylation.
Young Investigator Speaker
10:45 Maria Matveenko, University of Vienna. Vienna, Austria.
Semi-Chemical Synthesis and Characterization of a Small Heat Shock Protein Bearing a Nonenzymatic Posttranslational Modification Found In Vivo.
11:00 Ernest Giralt, Institut de Recerca Biomèdica. Barcelona, Spain.
Peptides and Molecular Recognition at Protein Surfaces.
08:30 Intro from Chair: Irene Díaz-Moreno, Universidad de Sevilla CSIC. Sevilla, Spain.
08:35 John Christodoulou, University College London & Wellcome Trust. London, United Kingdom.
Structural Observations of Protein Folding on the Ribosome.
Young Investigator Speaker
09:05 Adrian Nickson, University of Cambridge. Cambridge, United Kingdom.
In Vitro Folding Mechanisms Determine the Forces Applied During Co-translational Folding.
09:20 Patricia Clark, University of Notre Dame. Notre Dame, IN, United States.
Folding to the Rhythm of Translation Rate.
09:50 25-min Coffee Break
10:15 Volker Dötsch, Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität. Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
The unfolded N- and C-termini of TAp63a regulate p63's transcriptional activity by locking the protein in an inhibited, dimeric conformation.
Young Investigator Speaker
10:45 David Rodriguez-Larrea, University of the Basque Country. Leioa, Spain.
Single-molecule Vectorial Folding and Unfolding Through Membrane Pores.
11:00 Susan Buchanan, NIDDK, National Institutes of Health. Bethesda, MD, United States.
Structural Insight into the Biogenesis of Beta-Barrel Membrane Proteins.
01:30 - 04:30 pm |
Protein Allostery & Dynamics
01:30 Intro from Chair: Modesto Orozco, IRB Barcelona. Barcelona, Spain.
David Fushman, University of Maryland. College Park, MD, United States.
Deciphering the 'Ubiquitin Code': Conformations and Molecular Recognition of Polyubiquitin Signals..
Young Investigator Speaker
02:05 Anna Monica Nunes, Rutgers University. Newark, NJ, United States.
The Role of the Mg(II) Ion on Integrin-collagen Interactions: Regulating Affinity Through Conformational Fluctuations.
02:20 Patricia Bassereau, Institut Curie Centre de Recherche. Paris, France.
Multifaceted BAR-domain Proteins to Shape Cell Membranes.
02:50 25-min Coffee Break
03:15 Jeanne Hardy, University of Massachusetts. Amherst, MA, United States.
Mapping Allosteric Sites Across the Apoptotic Caspases.
Protein Science Best Paper Speaker
03:45 Chih-Chia (Jack) Su, Iowa State University. Ames, IA, United States.
Crystal Structure of the Campylobacter Jejuni CmeC Outer Membrane Channel.
04:00 Harald Schwalbe, Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität. Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Allosteric Inhibition of FGF-FGFR-Complex by Small Molecules.
Engineering & Interpreting the Genome
Room 6 (room 5 - overflow)
01:30 Intro from Chair: Maria Solà Vilarrubias, IRB Barcelona. Barcelona, Spain.
01:35 Osamu Nureki, University of Tokyo. Fukuoka, Japan.
Structural Basis for RNA-dependent DNA Cleavage and PAM Recognition by CRISPR-Cas9.
Young Investigator Speaker
02:05 Mahmoud Nasr, Harvard Medical School. Boston, MA, United States.
Creating Large Covalently Circularized Nanodiscs and Their Application in Studying Viral Entry and Genome Translocation.
02:20 Stanley Qi, University of California. San Francisco, CA, United States.
CRISPR Tools for Genome Engineering and Cell Reprogramming.
02:50 25-min Coffee Break
03:15 Luis Serrano, Centre for Genomic Regulation / ICREA. Barcelona, Spain.
Is it possible to understand in a quantitative manner a living system ?
Young Investigator Speaker
03:45 Can Kayatekin, Whitehead Institute. Cambridge, MA, United States.
Prion-like Proteins Sequester and Suppress the Toxicity of Huntingtin Exon 1.
04:00 Patricia Babbitt, University of California, San Francisco, CA, United States.
How Nature Evolves New Enzyme Functions. |