Engineering & Interpreting the Genome

Thursday, July 23
01:30 - 04:30 pm
Room 6 (room 5 - overflow)

Chair: Maria SolĂ  Vilarrubias, IBMB. Barcelona, Spain.

01:35 Osamu Nureki,  University of Tokyo. Fukuoka, Japan.
Structural basis for RNA-dependent DNA cleavage and PAM recognition by CRISPR-Cas9.

Young Investigator Speaker:

02:05 Mahmoud Nasr,  Harvard Medical School. Boston, MA, United States.
Creating Large Covalently Circularized Nanodiscs and Their Application in Studying Viral Entry and Genome Translocation.

02:20 Stanley Qi, University of California. San Francisco, CA, United States.
CRISPR tools for genome engineering and cell reprogramming.

02:50 25-min Coffee Break

03:15 Luis Serrano, Centre for Genomic Regulation / ICREA. Barcelona, Spain.
Is it possible to understand in a quantitative manner a living system ?

Young Investigator Speaker:

03:45 Can Kayatekin,
Whitehead Institute. Cambridge, MA, United States.
Prion-like Proteins Sequester and Suppress the Toxicity of Huntingtin Exon 1.

04:00 Patricia Babbitt,  University of California, San Francisco, CA, United States
How nature evolves new enzyme functions