Notice: Undefined property: BootApp::$onpagesload in D:\XVRT\\Html\CO2CALC\en\includes\plugins\modernize\default.php on line 9 Calculo GEI Barcelo

Calculate your Carbon footprint

Do you want to calculate the emission of greenhouse gases (GHG) related your assistance to a Congress?

We offer the possibility to calculate the emissions generated by travelling from your city to the host city, as well as those emissions associated with your hotel stay.
  • Step 1: Emissions associated to your travel

    Calculate the emissions from aviation and ground transportation:

    0 kg of CO2

    0 kg of CO2

  • Step 2: Emissions associated to your accommodation

    Calculate the emissions associated to your accommodation:

    0 kg of CO2

  • Step 3: Total emissions

    Total carbon footprint: 0 kg of CO2 ( 0 Tn CO2)

  • Step 4: Offset your carbon footprint

    Calculate the GHG associated to your flight

Calculate the GHG associated to your flight

  • 1. Kilometers

    Please enter the distance of your journey in km.

    You can use the map to make the calculation. Mark the start and arrival points in the map, or the stopovers of your flight.
    The map will automatically calculate the number of kilometers.

  • 2. Number of travellers

    Please enter the number of travellers that will make the trip.

  • 3. Type of trip

    Please select one way or return journey.

  • 4. Result

    The result of your journey are: 0 Kg of CO2 eq

  • 5. Total emissions associated to your flight travel.

    Once you have calculated the emissions associated to your journey, add it up to the calculation of total emissions of your attendance to the Congress.You may add one or more journeys to the general calculation.

    No flight travel has been entered yet.

Back to the general calculation

Calculate the GHG associated to your ground transportation

  • 1. Kilometers

    Please enter the distance of your journey in km.

    You can use the map to make the calculation. Mark the start and arrival points in the map, or the stopovers of your trip.
    The map will automatically calculate the number of kilometers.

  • 2. Number of travellers

    Please enter the number of travellers that will make the trip.

  • 3. Type of transportation

    Please select the type of transportation.

  • 4. Type of trip

    Please select one way or return journey.

  • 5. Result

    The result of your journey are: 0 Kg of CO2 eq

  • 6. Total emissions for ground transportation.

    Once you have calculated the emissions associated to your journey, add it up to the calculation of total emissions of your attendance to the Congress.You may add one or more journeys to the general calculation.

    No ground transportation has been added yet.

Back to the general calculation

Calculate the GHG associated to your hotel stay

  • 1. Number of people

    Please enter the number of people staying at the hotel.

  • 2. Number of hotel nights

    Please enter the number of hotel nights.

  • 3. Hotel category

    Please enter the hotel category

  • 4. Result

    The result of your hotel stay is: 0 Kg of CO2 eq

  • 5. Total emissions associated to your hotel stay.

    Once you have calculated the emissions associated to your hotel stay, add it up to the calculation of total emissions of your attendance to the Congress.You may add one or more hotel stays to the general calculation.

    No hotel stay has been entered yet

Back to the general calculation

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